The 5 Non-Negotiable Disciplines Of a High Achiever

5 Disciplines

Daily interruptions are inevitable. Acting on a fear of missing out, we allow the beeps, dings and vibrations to interject, to assure us that we’re connected, and subconsciously we tell ourselves that that constant connection has no impact on the amount of work we can accomplish. But we’re so bombarded with outside noise, it becomes almost impossible to avoid—and our productivity suffers because of it. Not to mention, it increases our stress levels.

It takes a real effort—a conscious choice—to separate ourselves from that mindset. But when you adopt and practice these simple disciplines of high achievers, you will be better equipped to set goals and achieve them, without losing focus or direction.

1. The discipline of believing.  Most of us think about doing great things. The difference between the average person and the high achiever is a commitment to belief. Because possessing the unqualified belief that you can do something is the first step to achieving it.

Will Smith states: “There’s a redemptive power that making a choice has. Decide what you’re going to be, who you are going to be and then how you are going to do it. From that point on, the universe is going to get out of your way.”

When you commit, truly commit to a choice, then everything else will fall into place to make it happen for you. Your decisions will be guided by your mindset.

2. The discipline of eliminating interruptions. The world around you is structured to interrupt you. If you already struggle with focus, you are fighting a losing battle from the moment you wake. If you are normally a focused person but don’t control your environment, your day will become a series of interruptions. To combat this, you need to turn off everything that could attract your attention. Everything.

My phone never makes an audible noise, I keep it face down most of the time so I can’t see the screen light up, and when I install new applications, I disable notifications. And that is exactly the way I want it. I lived a great life before text messages, and life will go on if I miss one now.

Learn to be comfortable with silence and focus. The quality of your work will drastically increase, and you will be more productive, and the depth of your thinking will increase because you will have long periods to dedicate to your thoughts.

3. The discipline of time management. Some might say time management is a myth because we have no control over time—it marches on with or without you. I don’t buy into that. But you should consider the limited amount of time you must get things done. I know when you are sitting at a desk staring at a project all day, the eight hours ahead of you can feel like 100.

If I know something must be done, it will go on my calendar. I will only focus on that item for the time I have blocked-nothing else can be done during that time.  Try to “Eat the Frog.” It’s a term (and book) from Brian Tracy that states, do the most pressing item or the task that you are avoiding the most and do it first. Why? First, it will be completed and you can move onto the next task. Next, by you keep putting it off builds’ anxiety and stress. Lastly, everything after that will be easy.

Schedule specific tasks (outbound calls, exercise, strategic planning, etc.) on a recurring basis and work the mundane around it.

I lay out my high priority items as recurring weekly appointments. The appointments are with nobody but me, and nobody will know if I miss them. My exercise time is scheduled four days a week at 6 a.m. Because health is a priority to me, I’ve made these non­negotiable in my mind. When that time of the day hits, I stop everything, change and go to the gym. Any work or other tasks will be there when I return.

Start doing the same on your calendar. It could be writing a book, spending time with a loved one, practicing piano or learning a new programming language. Nobody is going to knock on your door and push you to do it. It must come from you. Be stingy with your time. Protect it.

4. The discipline of being health. If your body is not capable of handling your goals, you will become physically and mentally exhausted.

To keep yourself healthy and ready to achieve your goals, you need to allocate regular, recurring time in your calendar to take care of your body—like I do with my exercise time. Ideally this should be multiple times a week and it should be non­negotiable. Exercise, done correctly, trains your muscles, heart and lungs to withstand larger levels of stress. So, if your body is used to the stress from regular exercise, it will have an easier time managing the stress in other areas of your life.

The better you are at managing your stress and energy, the better you will be at accomplishing the goals you have set for yourself. Take care of your body.

5. The discipline of ignorance. Ignorance is the epitome of focusing. You can’t possibly know everything, and you don’t need to. Once you are willing to live with not knowing everything, the things you choose to pay attention will get more of your attention and you will produce better results.

If you want to achieve a higher level of skill at any venture in life, use this list to help you get started on your journey of being disciplined.


Steve Feld, MBA, Certified Business Coach, Author, provides training and business performance coaching to business owners, professionals and executives. Steve also speaks to organizations, conducts workshops and training.  Focusing on the lead generation and revenue creation to get growth results for the business.

Contact Biz Coach Steve today to see how he can assist you get the results you want in your business,, or He is in the business of growing businesses. Need a speaker, contact Steve today.

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