Successful Activities for Growth

If you are serious about GROWING your agency and achieving whatever GOALS you have, there are some simple but effective activities you MUST adopt, or you simply will not achieve the level of success you desire. In any sport, athletes have coaches who constantly observe their performance and recommend changes to maximize the performance and success of the athlete. Oftentimes even professional athletes will subconsciously make small changes and get away from the correct “basics” which in turn will hamper their performance. More often than not, these changes to “The Basics” are not monumental but when proper adjustments are made, they have a significant impact on the performance of the athlete.
Our business is no different and if you want to achieve a higher level of performance than you currently are at, the following items are critical to adopt (they are all about the basics) and will move you to a higher level of performance but, only if you accept the fact that YOU must make some simple changes.
1. You must set some realistic GOALS and Track the following:
2. Marketing activity levels: Use a CALL SHEET to track your current activity level. Most of you will be surprised at how few times you actually make (proactive outbound calls) to attempt to make new sales. This sheet is for YOU and YOU ONLY.
3. Quotes: Use the QUOTE TRACKER and AGM to see how many “new quotes” you are preparing every week/month. Chances are, if you don’t quote you won’t sellJ
4. Sales: Use a SALES RECORD BOOK to see how much new business you get from proactive activities and where you are monthly compared to your GOAL.
5. Growth: Use the AGM tracker monthly to see how much growth you have versus your growth goal. If you know where you are at you will know if adjustments are needed.
6. Agenda: Use on EVERY client/prospect meeting to make sure you ask ALL the right questions and take advantage of cross-sell opportunities and REFERRALS.
These may seem “over basic” to some of you, but I CAN PERSONALLY GUARANTEE if you commit to and make these simple changes you will have a better understanding of your business and you will make wiser choices in terms of marketing and daily activities. Ultimately, YOU WILL BE MORE SUCCESSFUL! What gets measured gets attention and what gets attention gets DONE.
Now is the time to make these basic changes and start to FOCUS on the activities that will improve your performance, your business, and your bottom line. Let’s work together and get it done.