Limiting beliefs

I was speaking with a business owner that has been struggling for the last 3 years (started pre-pandemic). He was telling me how great business was. He had rockstar staff members. His marketing was firing on all cylinders. Then he was looking at expanding his business and adding another product line that would complement his current business. Then that is the moment everything started falling apart. He then went into detail about his spiraling descent to where he is now. After listening to his story, I heard him tell me the following limiting beliefs that were keeping him from reaching his goals. We as business owners/entrepreneurs have encountered these limiting beliefs and many others. Once we remove the wall, we put up in front of us, we can move forward.
- Everything has to be perfect before sharing it.
Being a perfectionist keeps you in your comfort zone and nothing great comes from staying in your comfort zone. Having everything perfect just isn’t natural – nature is the greatest proof that perfect isn’t real. Flaws connect better for people. That video training you want to release where you stumble over the name in the intro, or your cat walked into the frame – put it out there! Own it! If you are in the business of people, put it out regardless of minor flaws. Do your due diligence to proofread but limit the number of edits and just get it out there. Done is better than perfect
- I’ll do it tomorrow
Procrastination is the sister of perfectionism. When you push something off it it’s usually either a) You don’t “feel” like doing it, or b) You’re afraid you won’t do it well. The way you do anything is the way you do everything, so if you are procrastinating on the little things, you are likely procrastinating on the bigger things too. When you know there is something that you want to push off, make that the exact thing you do right now. The sooner you get it off your to-do list, the sooner you can focus on the things you love to do.
- I am here to help everyone
It’s an ambitious thought, but it is totally unrealistic to try to help everyone. The idea that you are here to “change the world” is a starting point. We change the world through our work on an individual basis. Think about your gifts and talents, think about who specifically needs those gifts and talents. Dial it in! The clearer and more concise you are with who you want to work with or work for, the better your clients will be suited to you and the better you’ll be able to market to them.
- Discounting my prices will help me get more clients
Discounts devalue the worth of a good or service. If you discount your rates, you show your potential clients that you agree that your services are not really worth $X. If you feel like you *need* to discount your offerings, it’s more likely that you are not valuing your own worth and therefore, you are not showing your potential client your value. Next time someone says, “That’s expensive,” you are being told that you have not established your value properly. So, you need to show them, very clearly, how your service will take them from their pain point now to their desired destination – map it out for them and show what your services are missing like. Most people will immediately have some sort of objection to the price, it’s natural. But if you see this, not as a reflection of you and your prices, but rather as their reaction based on their personal financial situation, you can be of service and guide them through the process.
- There are so many other people out there that are better at this than me
Compare and despair! Everyone has to start somewhere, even your greatest inspirations were just getting started once too. Also, the fabulous life you see through social media is a highly edited version and doesn’t show much of “real life” stuff that’s happening behind the scenes. This pattern has to stop! If you find you are spending too much time focusing on what others are doing, you are likely not doing what you need to be doing in your own business or life. Turn off social media, do your work and commit to showing up as your best self, you WILL attract your people and they will adore you. Look to others for inspiration on how to be better and integrate what you like into your own special sauce. The more you step into YOU, the more you will attract your people
- Self-care and time off are a luxury. If I want to be successful, I have to just work a lot.
Self-care is a foundation of a successful entrepreneur. By taking time for your body, mind, and soul, you allow time to replenish your valuable resources: inspiration, energy, and joy. Splurge on a massage mid-day on Tuesday and see how much better you perform this week. Turn off your electronics and go camping this weekend – I guarantee you’ll have a breakthrough in the next few days after returning, if not while you are away. You solve problems in your business when you take your mind off your business. The more space you have in your schedule, the more space you have in your heart and mind to put it back into your business.
What to do.
The first thing you will do is write down one of your limiting – or negative – beliefs. Then below it, write a counter statement, known as a power statement, that turns that limiting belief around. Example:
Limiting Statement: I don’t know if anyone will buy this new product and my staff won’t even try to sell it.
Power Statement: I know this new product will provide a lot of value to people and my staff will love to sell it because of the benefits to our customers.
You want to continue doing this for any limiting beliefs or negative statements you find yourself thinking, saying, or buying into. Use these Power Statements as affirmations. You can integrate them into your daily morning ritual by reading them aloud every day. If you don’t currently have a daily ritual, use this to start one
Contact Biz Coach Steve today to see how he can assist you to get the results you want in your business,, or He is in the business of growing businesses. Need a speaker, contact Steve today.
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