
I was speaking to a group of business owners and had the opportunity to have lunch with some of the participants.
You know how those go.
“What do you do?”
“How’s business?”
And so on.
When I had the chance to ask questions to the business owners around the table, I asked them, “What issue/problem are you currently experiencing in your business that you are hiding from yourself?”
That stopped the conversation.
One of the business owners looked like they were about ready to break down in tears. He composed himself to say that he has been ignoring having a candid conversation with an employee that is killing this company. Then he went on to justify why he has not had that conversation even though he knows this one employee is causing customers, employees, and vendors to leave him.
The question now is “is it helping you and your business by justifying his staying?”
It’s easy to justify our mood or our actions based on how we’ve been treated by the outside world, or how we want to be perceived. Justification is not the goal. It’s effectiveness that matters.
We get to pick how we act, and it seems as though choosing what works, choosing what makes us happy, choosing what makes the world the place we want to make it – these choices are more useful than any justification we can dream up.
He was choosing not to have the crucial conversation versus saving his business and then justified it with a million reasons why that employee is still working at his business.
I am going to work with that business owner to help him be the leader he wants to be and stop justifying poor behavior.
What issues, problems, and challenges are you justifying in order to avoid solving them?
Contact Biz Coach Steve today to see how he can assist you to get the results you want in your business, steve@bizcoachsteve.com, or www.bizcoachsteve.com. He is in the business of growing businesses. Need a speaker, contact Steve today.
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