Do you shelve Knowledge?

This past week I attended an annual conference for over 120 high-performing coaches from all over the world.
Yes, it was amazing.
All the presenters were coaches sharing their knowledge, wisdom, strategies, and tactics so we can learn from them and help our clients in a greater capacity.
I know many of you have attended a conference of some kind. Maybe it was for your company. Your industry, or a conference/convention where you can gain more knowledge to help your own business grow or improve your life.
As I am preparing for my first TEDx talk, I do mention how we as attendees to events like these, shelve our knowledge.
We take the time to travel to these events and spend money on the event, hotel, transportation, food, etc. Sit in a cold conference room, and drink bad coffee. Listen to speakers that are giving away gold that could help us in our lives or business. Get the workbooks, handouts, etc. Take copious notes. Maybe even buy the presenters books or programs.
The event is over. We go back home, tired, and excited, and do what 98% of the attendees do with that information.
They put it on a shelf or in an electronic file and say, “I will get to implementing everything I learned – one day.”
Sad to say, that day never comes for most people.
Shelving knowledge.
No one will get around to implementing what you took away from the event unless you block time out after the event to develop a solid plan of action to implement all that knowledge you just gained into your business or life.
One technique I learned a long time ago was to block out time immediately after the event. As soon as the event was done, block out time to create a plan on what I wanted to implement in my business and my life from everything I just learned.
I had everything down to less than one page. Then rank each action item from 1 to 4.
- 1’s are items that can be implemented very fast without doing anything else and would give me and my business the biggest impact.
- 2’s are items that can be implemented that would lead to a big impact but may need to have to do something first before implementing.
- 3’s are items that would time some time to implement.
- 4’s are long-term action items that can be completed after all the 1’s, 2’s, and 3’s are done and may need some outside assistance to get them implemented.
Once everything is ranked, then put a due date or timeline for each action item. Now put those tasks in your calendar to get them completed.
One tactic I have heard (and it works very well) is to block out the first business day after the event to create and implement your action plan. No matter what, just block out dedicated time to look at your notes, and all the materials, put down what you want to implement in your business and life, then rank them in the order to accomplish the action steps, put them in your calendar and start implementing those great ideas.
One great idea that I took away from the conference was building a new Podcast – Experts over coffee.
This podcast will be different than our current podcast – Biz Coach & Coffee.
Looking to launch it in January of 2023 and have started booking business owners who are experts in their industry to share their expertise to help all the listeners grow their businesses and improve their lives.
So, if you own your own business for 5 or more years, have more than 3 employees (who are not relatives), and are willing to be interviewed on the podcast. Then let me know. Or if you know of a great business owner that fits our criteria and would like to be our guest and talk about their business and industry, please let me know.
If you have that shelved knowledge. Book some time on your calendar. Get that material off your shelf or computer files and look at it again. See what you could use to grow your business or improve your life. Then create an action plan and start implementing that knowledge.
Un-shelf that knowledge.
Contact Biz Coach Steve today to see how he can assist you to get the results you want in your business,, or He is in the business of growing businesses. Need a speaker, contact Steve today.
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