Think about where you were 5 years ago.
Seems like only yesterday,right?
Are you where you’d thought you’d be 5 years later, when you looked forward back then?
Are you leading the life you envisioned?
Do you have the income,lifestyle, freedom, health, relationships, poise and skills you thought you would have by now?
If you don’t like your answers to those questions, then guess what? You now get another chance to look forward to the next 5 years. What are you going to do differently?
A Goal vs. A Promise
It makes a big difference if you turn your goals into promises. That’s because most of us have set goals and know of other people that have set goals and didn’t fulfill them. Our mind tends to see goals as something to strive for, something to aim at…but if we don’t “hit the target”, it’s fine because “we’re not the first or the last that have set goals and didn’t achieve them.”
On the other hand, when we promise someone that we’re going to do something,our mind goes to work for us and we do everything that’s in our power to fulfill that promise because we don’t like to feel the pain, shame or embarrassment of letting somebody down. Our integrity is such that a promise means more to us than setting a goal.
Therefore, instead of saying, “Honey, I know that we have not been spending enough quality time alone, lately… so, I’m going to try (or my goal is) to take you out on a romantic date twice a month”, tell her instead, “Honey, I promise that from now on, I’m going to take you out on a date twice a month.”
The Power of Accountability Partners
Commitment is doing the thing you said you were going to do, long after the mood you said it in has left you.
The pressures of life will not come to an end just because you have decided to begin setting real goals for yourself. It has been my experience that those who have the most success with accomplishing their personal and business goals are those who had 2 or more Accountability Partners (not within the same household) that also have set goals and are also utilizing the power of an accountability partner.
Some benefits of utilizing Accountability Partners include:
- Assistance in organizing ideas, thoughts, and tasks into specific, measurable, attainable, and realistic goals
- Assistance in prioritizing an effective and consistent plan
- Ensuring accountability for task follow through
- Mentoring through difficulties and indecisiveness
- Sharing advice, personal knowledge and experience
- Follow up on your success
During your search for appropriate Accountability Partners, keep in mind that the right person should be someone who will challenge, engage and evoke a sense of accomplishment in you. Confidence, creativity and strength are all traits that will be useful to you. Also consider choosing an Accountability Partner who you trust to keep confidence as you may get into financial and personal discussions that are confidential in nature.
Promise yourself and your Accountability Partners that you will become a better person by following all the ground rules you set between yourselves to achieve your ultimate vision of your life.
Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life
Unlocking your full potential for Wealth, Success, and Achievement
Your THOUGHTS, your WORDS, and your ACTIONS, are building blocks to creating the life that you want!
Doing the same things over and over expecting different results is insanity. The only way to get different results is to change what we do. The process of change begins in our minds. Our thoughts help shape and create our circumstances in life. “As A Man Thinketh, So Is He.” When we change our thinking, we change our lives.
What does it mean to change? Change = to transform or convert.
When we find ourselves stuck in a rut or not quite where we want to be in life,it is time for change. Old habits, old thoughts, and old ways of thinking must go. We literally must cleanse our minds of negativity, scars,conditioning, and mental blocks.
Living Your Dream is a continuous process of training and transforming our minds to achieve optimal living. There are many ways to begin the process of changing the way we think.
What we feed our minds affect how and what we think. When we bombard the mind with negative images, fears, bad news, violence, pain, and suffering etc…our mind responds by conjuring up matching thoughts. When we feed our minds with positive images, good news, peace, happiness, and prosperity …our mind responds accordingly.
Our mind will produce thoughts based on the information we provide it with. The thoughts that our mind produces set a wheel of events in motion. Thoughts are creative and whatever thoughts we find ourselves preoccupied with always manifest in our lives.
What you do with your life is up to you. Life is what you make it. You have everything you need to create life, destroy life, improve life, and touch the lives of others. For every cause there is an effect. Every life represents a mission, a purpose, a cause. What will be the effect of your LIFE?
What does your next 5 years look like to you?
Steve Feld, MBA is a certified business coach that provides training and business performance coaching to business owners, professionals and executives. He has owned and operated 6 businesses and operated 3 large corporations with Fortune 500 Companies and assisted hundreds of business owners achieve their business goals. #bizcoachstevef