5 Sales Myths to Get Over-NOW!

Don’t think of sales as a special, natural-born talent, and other misconceptions that are getting in your way.
People who are afraid to sell fail at it. That’s a fact. Fear makes you stumble through your pitch, freeze up when you hear objections, and miss opportunities to close the deal. So how do you sell if you are one of those people who cringe when it’s time to make a pitch? By changing the way, you think about sales. Get over these five misconceptions to modify your mindset, and you, too, can be a successful seller.
Myth #1: “I am not good at being pushy–and salespeople need to be.”
Think about the best experience you, as a customer, have had. In that instance, did you find the salesman pushy? Doubtful. More than likely, you thought he was informed. He probably knew a lot about his product and was able to answer all your questions. When you are ready to sell, keep that personal experience in mind. Do your homework before you make a sales call. Know all the advantages and disadvantages of your product and your competitors’ products before you pick up the phone or arrive for the appointment.
Myth #2: “I don’t know how to reach the person who buys my product.”
While the person answering the phone may not always be the person who makes the final buying decision, they can often provide you with great insight on the business itself. Don’t see them as an obstacle. Engage them with a few open-ended questions about the business that have to do with your product. Most people are happy to be considered important enough to inquire with, and willing to give you valuable perspective that can help you structure your approach with the end decision-maker.
Myth #3: “I don’t want to bother the customer.”
You are bothering a potential customer only if you are calling someone for whom your product has no value. If you know the customer can benefit from your product, he should be happy to hear from you. Structure your call around how your product or service can be of use to your customer. Can the product save them time? Can it save them money? Can it change the way they live or work? If you can answer yes to at least one of these questions, you have not only the right, but also the duty to contact your customer with the good news–and sooner rather than later.
Myth #4: “I am not fast on my feet.”
Stop worrying about what you are going to say and focus instead on what the customer will be able to tell you. Think about each call as a fact-finding mission. Your job is to ask questions and then listen carefully to the answers the customer provides. If you already know your product well, you will be able to easily explain how your product can address the needs the customer outlines for you. Sales is not about being fast, it’s about being thorough.
Myth #5: “I can’t find the right words to close the deal.”
Don’t be shy about taking the final step and asking for the sale. Find out when the customer will be ready or able to purchase your product or ask how soon they imagine wanting to get the benefits of implementing your service. If you have adequately shown the customer how your product can be useful to them, the deal should be easy to close.
All of these myths are obstacles that otherwise competent salespeople create for themselves. Stop thinking about sales as a special talent that only “natural-born salesman” possess. There is no reason to fear making potential clients aware of the great product you offer. Selling is only the process by which you call on the right people and match them with the right product.
Now go out there and sell.